Be a Neighborhood Leader

Does it seem as if the political climate is ripping apart the fabric of society? Would you like to help stitch our communities back together?

Neighborhood Leaders are community builders. Every Neighborhood Leader relies on genuine, face-to-face interactions to build relationships that empower our neighbors and focus political power on the people. We are part of a revolution in community-centered, neighborhood-oriented political change!

The most trusted source of political information is someone you know.

You can be that someone. Our goal as Neighborhood Leaders is to educate and mobilize our neighbors to speak their voices through their votes and activism. Become a Neighborhood Leader and join the revolution for people-based politics!

Sign Up as a Neighborhood Leader Now >

Neighborhood Leaders work to . . .

  • Expand political empowerment of ourselves and our neighbors,

  • Focus political power in the hands of our communities,

  • Develop relationships between the people and their elected representatives, and

  • Elevate the political conversation through affirming, constructive conversations that respect our neighbors while building cohesion around shared values.

What a Neighborhood Leader does…

  • Contacts 35 households, about 2 times per year, in your neighborhood

  • Build relationships with your neighbors

  • Empower communities

  • Increase voter turnout by talking to neighbors during election season

Let's work together, build community, and elect candidates who respond to the people they represent!

Sign Up as a Neighborhood Leader Now >